Tirol conscious in the Wildschönau

Tirol is a land of enjoyment.
And not only for the eyes and the soul, but especially for the palate.
The "Bewusst Tirol" quality initiative unites agriculture, Tirolean food retailers and tourism businesses.
In the Wildschönau, 12 committed establishments (inns and accommodation) have been awarded the "Bewusst Tirol" medal. "Bewusst Tirol" businesses demonstrably use predominantly Tirolean food.
The "Bewusst Tirol" award is a sign for consumers and guests who want to enjoy Tirolean produce on their plates.
The primary purpose of the "Bewusst Tirol" initiative
The initiative was launched by Agrarmarketing Tirol and the aim is to support the Tirolean economy, agriculture and tourism in a sustainable way. This goal is achieved by raising awareness and appreciation of Tirolean products among the local population and guests.
Excellent dairy produce, excellent meat, fish or fresh vegetables from Tirol - regionality is a top priority in the Wildschönau.