Krautinger schnapps

The original beet schnapps from WIldschönau Tirol
Nowhere else in Tirol or Austria is the so-called "Krautinger" allowed to be distilled. The beet schnapps is made from white beet.
There is a bottle in almost every household - a remedy for any kind of stomach upset, because Krautinger is actually a household remedy, elixir and medicine all in one. After a hearty meal, Krautinger is a special digestif.
The smell is unique, as is the taste. Either you like it or you don't. Either way, visitors to the Wildschönau can hardly avoid at least one taste of Krautinger schnapps.
Empress Maria Theresia bestowed the distillery rights to make schnapps from turnips in the middle of the 18th century. Originally, 51 Wildschönau farmers were granted this monopoly. A total of 16 farmers still excercise their right today.

Production of the Wildschönau Krautinger schnapps
The white stubble beet (also called water turnip) is harvested in summer and autumn. It must be washed clean and reduced to mash. The mash is reduced to a third of its original volume, left to ferment with yeast for 48 hours and finally distilled.
However, the process is not as simple as it sounds.
Besides lots of patience, there are many other contributing factors to the quality of Krautinger schnapps; the fire for example; electric boilers are disdained by the beet farmers. Beech wood provides the necessary temperatures. Die-hard "Krautinger distillers" abhor industrial seeds and grow the seeds themselves.
Best in Tradition 2022
Craft Spirits Berlin is Europe's largest platform for artisan spirits and the annual organiser of the Craft Spirits Berlin Festival and the Craft Spirits Berlin Awards.
The "Krautinger Joint Project" was nominated & awarded in the category Audience Award "Best in Tradition 2022" at the Special
Awards 2022!
The Awards recognise products, producers, personalities, inventions and developments that advance the technology, culture, education and perception of Craft Spirits.
This award goes above all to those who are committed to keeping traditions alive.